For everyone interested in Bio Energitic Massage, Rebalancing – Core Integration, providing an in-depth experience and balance of body, soul, and psyche, I use a broad number of massage techniques to become aware of and release the Myo-fascial layers, its holding patterns and energy-blocks.
great meditator
Famous Indian Mystic
Living Master
Bio Energitic Pain Reieasing Massage(Myo Fascia reiease bodywork) is a therapeutic and meditative way of deep touch, consisting of gentle, precise massage strokes combined with deep tissue strokes (Rolfing), Joint release techniques (Tragering), and assisted Yoga stretches.
Balance is essential in all aspects of life and Bio Energetic bodywork aims to restore the body’s natural balance by improving the vertical connection of the main body parts: head, shoulders, chest, pelvis and legs. Poor vertical connection is one of the main reasons for chronic pain and stress in the body-mind complex. A body in balance brings the experience of relaxation, wellness and aliveness.
Besides the Rolfing techniques, Tragering, and assisted Yoga stretches, Bio Energetic rebalancing uses popular, well established techniques & insights from Rolfing, Postural Integration, Shiatsu, Milton Trager, Cranio Sacral, Wilhelm Reich, Bio Energetics (Alexander Lowen), Peter Levine, etc.
Bio Energetic Pain Releasing Bodywork is for everyone who wants to understand the wisdom of one own’s body and become aware of, and release myo fascial blocks/holding patterns which prevents one to live a glorious and joyous life. It is for those who wish to experience a healthier body, more freedom, more energy, more aliveness & strength, and inner peace.
I am – well trained bodyworker/therapist from india(Chennai).
I received my training in Rebalancing in 2011 by ANTAR RASAL – one of the best bodyworker around the world, great meditator and spiritual traveler. He has gifted me this wonderful art of love (towards the body). Learned many great things from him.
I was fascinated by the wisdom of the body, attracted towards that. Learned many things like VARMA from karunakaran. REFLEXOLOGY from John. Naturopathy from Aravind ashram. Mostly from Bhagwan OSHO.
Since my young age I am in search, went to missioneries of charity ( mother Teresa ) as a brother, left there. I was attracted by Bhagwan OSHO. Attend many meditation camps, practicing lot of meditation techniques from various guru mostly from OSHO. Then I met a wonderful guru and friend - ANTAR RASAL from him I learned bodywork, massage, various meditation and awareness techniques. Now I am find a living master SWAMI CHARLES with his guidance stiii I am going deeper in my inner and outer journey.